
Here are my tips for growing great peas:

Site, soil type:

Peas need only average soil fertility.   They will succeed in almost any soil that is well-drained.

Plant peas in full sun.

Planting requirements:

Plant early in spring when soil can be worked.  Peas grow best at 60-75 degrees.   Don’t transplant.

Plant seeds 2 inches apart and 1-1 ½ inch deep.  Thinning is not necessary for climbing types.  Bush types should be thinned to 8-12 inches apart.

Put 18-24” between rows.

Nutrition/Fertilizer needs:

Fertilize lightly or not at all, depending on soil quality.   Peas absorb their supply of nitrogen from the air after germination.

Add an inoculant to your soil if you’re planting in an area that has never grown legumes before.  A soil inoculant uses beneficial microbes to form symbiotic relationships with the target crops to promote plant health and increase yields.

For the best yield, ensure abundant phosphorus with a light amount of bone meal.

Water needs:

Peas don’t need as much water as other crops.   Do not overwater.

Mulching roots retains moisture.

Ground watering may reduce fall outbreaks of powdery mildew.

Other tips:

Peas improve soil fertility and physical condition of the soil.  They add nitrogen.

With early plantings, use row covers for warmth and more vibrant growth.

Oregon Giant snow peas are a winner in my garden.  They produce a crop in the spring, take a hiatus in the summer, and produce a second smaller crop in the fall; all this from a single planting.

Sugar Snap snap peas are a sweet delicious edible pod pea.  We love growing these.   

Both Sugar Snap and Oregon Giant are very resistant to powdery mildew.